Wednesday, May 19, 2010

free to move myself

.......a very good friend of mine and I once (this very day) chatted about what we ACTUALLY govern in our own lives, and in this world. It's really simple. At least right now it is to me. Like, what can we actually control? Ourselves. We have the supreme power of our own actions; to ourselves and to others. We control individually how ourself thinks, speaks, acts....loves. How we use our bodies. What we DO with ourselves. We have the liberty to make decisions with real live outcomes. That is cool.

In some ways, it seems that the control range is small. But ultimately, we control so much by just controlling ourselves. We can control what may happen by what we DO.

Haha, it feels like sometimes it would be easier if we could just control other people too, but just the clown bags that is.

I feel mixed about this revelation. It's an "AHH HAH!" moment that has already been known, but I've never thought about it like this before. The mixed feeling arose when I flashed back at millions of mean thoughts I have thought before. I was like, whoa, I could have controlled that. And I want to try to.

I don't know if this even makes sense to anyone else. oh well.

I think Im going to visit this again sometime.

I have a headache now, so.........BBL (be back later, don't know if that is a real abreviation, but im using that from now on).

Thanks kids, keep on rockin!

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