So, here it goes, and for now in random order:
In My LifeTime, I would like to:
1. Somehow make an appearance on a home show(ex: DIY network, HGTV...)..or just star in my own freakin show!
2. Write a cookbook
3. Write a book about my life and adventures, in complete comedic form, hah!
4. Be in Love, the good stuff ya know!
5. Do more crazy shit!
6. get to a debt-free point
7. master the art of coffee-making
8. take part in a 'survival-and-be-wild-in-nature' thingy
9. Travel to all continents....and meet all kinds of people
10. Learn a second language (at this point, Id choose either Portuguese, or Latin)
11. Have a baby!
12. Build my own house
13. Swim in many seas
14. Visit the Holy land
15. Write/perform a song
16. Complete a half-triathlon
17. Attend a world-cup game in another country
18. Go on an Alaskan Cruise
19. Go to a vineyard and help make wine
20. Go on a road trip via motorcycle(and with a hot babe)
21. Read TONS more poetry
22. Write a children's book and/or series
23. Be hosted in a gallery to display my creative works
24. Have my own gallery to display other's creative works
25. Go white-water-rafting
26. Try exotic foods
27. Grow and maintain my own garden
28. Carve something into a tree
29. Show God's love, and have people feel it
30. Hike up a big, tall mountain, and scream something from the top
31. Help people
ok...that's a start. ill keep adding.
32. Sail the seas (this is in fact inspired by Charlie St. Cloud, cheesy, but true).