---I wrote this for my mom in December 2009 to go alongside some tree paintings I did for her living room.---
A Family Grows
Tree: a woody perennial plant with many branches stemming from one trunk.
Solid, grounded, rooted,
Founded in the earth,
Patiently growing towards the sky.
Earth and Sky,
The tree now rooted in both,
Has branches to give life.
The branches,
Fast they grow,
Attempting to reach the sun,
They need the tree to hold them up.
Desperately needing support & growth.
The tree is always there,
Encouraging forever.
The tree lives in it’s branches,
The branches grow strong and tall.
The branches vary,
Moving in diverse directions.
The branches spread,
Far and vast,
Still connected eternally,
They will always be,
For all began life,
In the same Tree.”